art, music, life

Catching Up

For the first time since early January, I got up this morning and painted…two pieces actually. However, I thought I should share three of the pieces I did in January (two paintings and one digital photo) in order to document them in order.

The first is titled burning tree. The photo doesn’t really do all of the colors justice.

I worked on this piece for most of the weekend. It’s only 5×7″ in size, but I used a ton of paint to get the texture right. The shininess comes from two coats of gloss varnish. You can’t really tell from the pic, but the piece has subtle variations of magenta, purple and green throughout. It’s interesting how the painting evolved as the day progressed. It started as an abstract flower with a pinkish color on top and mint green on the bottom.

This one is a digital photograph. It started out as a shot of icicles.

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